Heifers For Sale
We typically market heifers, bulls, semen & embryos private treaty.
Females For Sale
Each year we offer a select group of heifers to keep our numbers in check, while providing a quality female that other breeders can appreciate.
These Heifers are from the heart of our program. They are products of several of the royal Wye Angus gene pools and cow families that we have assembled in our herd.They will make wonderful additions to your existing herd or make a great nucleus for a new program. Their Dams are highly valued in our herd. They are built on an emphasis of maternal ability in a low-input grass-based paradigm. Fertility, sound structure, milk, cow intelligence and fleshing-ability as they all rank among the elite 1% of the breed for $EN.
Below you can find some of our heifers we currently have for sale. You can click on the link to be taken to the Angus.com website where you can view their genetics.
Blackbird of BFA 22K9
From the Blackbird family she is a product of Prince x Medwin x Lodge. 60# BW and weaned at 535 to ratio 99 on a 2-year-old.
Clova of BFA 22K14
From the Clova cow family. Prince x Clarkson x Alap give this heifer a royal lineage. Her Dam is a solid worker on grassand posts a progeny WR of 99. Her long-lived Grand Dam records 8 weaned at 98. This Heifer records 62# BW and 505# WW.
Clova of BFA 22K18
This Clova is another Prince x Federal x Cedric combination that works well in our low-input management system. She traces to the highly regarded Clova 9144. Her Dam both have a progeny WR of 100 from the center of the program. She had a BW of 61# and a 551# WW to ratio 101.
Queen Mother of BFA 22K21
From our highly productive Queen Mother line, she blends Prince x Clarkson x Bangle. Her Dam posts a progeny WR of 3@101, while both her second and 3rd Dams were produced in the Wye Angus herd in Maryland. She recorded a 61# BW and 502# WW.
PS Blackcap of BFA 22K23
This is an outcross heifer. She is a daughter of our Alap herd Sire and out of a Penn State female that has been a good one for us. Her Dam posts a progeny WR of 5@101. She smashed the scales at weaning to an impressive 653#
PS Playmate of BFA 22K24
She hails from the famous Penn State Playmate cow family that produced PS Powerplay plus numerous Champions around the country. She posted a 61# BW and weaned at an impressive 625#.
Clova of BFA 22K29
Here is another Clova that blends Prince x Medwin x federal. She is a top-performing heifer that weaned at 565# without creep- just mother’s milk and grass. She traces to 0904 who has provided a strong legacy of elite producers. BW 64#, WWR 104.
Miss Wix 805 of BFA 22K30
She is Alap x Medwin x Octoraro Miss Wix 805 who was selected at Sam Wylie’s Sale as the top-selling female. Her Copeland Dam is a good one with a progeny WR of 4@106. She had a 62# BW and WW of 569#.
Blackbird of BFA 22K36
This Blackbird combines Prince x Clarkson x Lodge. This heifer is hard to sell with her pedigree. You can scour the country before you’ll find another like her. 61# BW and weaned at over 500# on mama’s milk and grass.
Visitors Welcome
We welcome your visit to see first-hand the program we have developed. We enjoy showing-off and to learn more about your program as well.